Now yes

The present is the moment where certainties organize our life. Today, now, right now, is an excellent opportunity to do general cleaning and eliminate the certainties that don’t do us any good and cultivate the ones that help us live better.

Carmen Lent, in her original and pioneering essay The Psychic Mutation, says: every crisis “creates a state of uprooting which comes from the deterritorialization. This state will be how the subject can survive this transitional period between an already impossible psychic territory and another which is still non-viable to be inhabited”.

She continues: “You cannot (continue to) be who you are. You cannot (yet) be another person. You cannot (except for dead or delusional) stop being”. And she announces a happy ending: “Privileged space, certainly, of possible recreation, of the alleviating exit of blind repetition”.

Today, more than ever, that state, that Lent calls “no man’s land” strongly bursts in, creating a universal feeling of uncertainty. 

The virus triggered a universal crisis that we share with all the human beings on the planet. Unique, because we experience it in different ways depending on governmental decisions and medical conditions in each region and person, because each of us reacts to this same threat according to who and how we are. 

For now, we can’t get a glimpse of the person we will be after this. We don’t know how the world, in which we will be, will be after this. But we can transform this moment of nothing, of nobody, of In Between, of complete uncertainty, into a moment to catch up with ourselves. 

What part of myself do I want to take to my future? What part of me do I like and want to continue being, and what don’t I like and can leave in my past? I can decide, now, to start to build that me of myself that can choose to take only the essential: those aspects of myself that I choose to continue being, those aspects of myself that are only seeds that I choose to cultivate, with patience and persistence, to plant now and to cultivate, also, in the world of tomorrow.
